If you’re sitting there asking yourself what day it is and you’re unable to remember the last time you left the house, you’re likely in need of some new ideas to try at home.

Don’t go stir crazy, and don’t further cement that permanent spot in your couch while binge-watching all the popular shows right now on Netflix. There’s more to life than that.

You also probably don’t want to hear anyone else telling you how you can use this time to work out at home or clean and organize your house. Sure, we all have grand plans to do those things, but it can be put off another day, right?

Let’s get to it. Here are some fun and enriching ways you can spend your days at home until it’s safe to return to the outside world when it’s free of coronavirus germs.

Get creative in the kitchen

You’re stuck at home and your pantry is calling your name. You might not have all the ingredients you need, but don’t let that stop you. See what you can put together with the staples you have.

You could even give baking a go. You know those sweet treats would be a hit with your family and neighbors if you want to share from a distance. I mean who doesn’t want to whip up a cake after binge-watching “The Great British Bake Off” for hours?

With pretty much everyone stuck at home, except those who have essential jobs, you might just find a celebrity chef giving a tutorial online. Or a simple YouTube tutorial will also suffice.

London’s famous Borough Mark is streaming classes on Facebook and Instagram.

Start or perfect a hobby

Is there a craft project you’ve been meaning to tackle, or a professional camera lying around collecting dust? You are home with plenty of time on your hands, so now is the time to either pick up that forgotten hobby or start a new one.

If you’ve been wanting to learn how to play an instrument, you could order one online and find how-to videos on YouTube. Fender is also giving away three months of guitar lessons. You know you’ve been dying to play the guitar.

There’s a how-to video for everything on YouTube, so get to searching and don’t let this time go to waste.

Take an online class

Universities and colleges around the world have online classes you could take. And now you have the time. It’s a win-win scenario for all.

That online class could also include you learning a new language. Give Duolingo or a similar app a try. You’ll be ready for an international vacation by the time this lockdown is lifted.

Click here for a list of online learning sites.

Start a garden

Starting a garden is a great way to cut down on the essential groceries you need to pick up at the store. It also can be very therapeutic during this stressful time.

You don’t have to go and dig up your backyard to plant the seeds, there are ways to grow vegetables and herbs inside. Simply find a kit online and get started.

You’ll thank yourself later when you have yummy veggies and herbs at the ready after those online cooking classes you’ve been taking.

Virtual happy hour with friends

Now is not the time to hole up and be antisocial. Our mental health still needs to be social with others, you might just have to do it virtually.

Get a group chat going or better yet have a virtual happy hour with friends. Pour yourself a glass of your favorite adult beverage and hop on a Zoom call with your besties.

This connection will likely bring out all the laughs, and laughter is some of the best medicine right now.

While we may continue to forget what day it is, the coronavirus doesn’t have to ruin all of our fun. Hopefully you’re willing to give at least one of these ideas a try. And if not, here’s a few more lists of at-home ideas, many including TV, because we know that’s what you really want to do.

15 TV shows you should totally watch while quarantined

5 apps to help you meditate when you need a break from this crazy world

These 40 ideas from a teacher are exactly the (screen-free) things we need for our kids right now

Netflix Party lets you watch movies with friends and family while social distancing

10 incredibly easy weekday meals you can make in the Instant Pot

Feeling restless? This workout was made for anyone who’s got some energy (or stress) to burn

Keep your kids engaged by having them take this science quiz

Can’t go to gym due to coronavirus? 5 home exercises that can help burn calories

You’re invited to ‘Lunch Doodles’ with Mo Willems

Field trips from home: All the places your kids can ‘visit’ virtually

And this certainly isn’t the only fun you can have, but it’s a good start. Stay safe out there.

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