The Pittsburgh Steelers are playing some pretty terrible football right now and everyone is looking for answers. Wide receiver Chase Claypool spoke to the media on Monday and when asked for his ideas for how to help this slumping group, he had an idea.

Music. I’m not making this up.

Yep. Claypool wonders if the team played music at practice it would make practices more fun. “We have music in warm-ups and that, so it’s fun,” Claypool said. “People are dancing, having fun. So I think maybe music would make practice more fun and little more uptempo.”

Claypool understands those “fun” warmups haven’t amounted to much of anything so far this season. In fact, I’m sure the warmups and the music were great on Sunday right before the Steelers took a 41-10 beatdown at the hands of the Bengals.

I like Claypool as a player despite the fact he’s disappointed this season but this is a sign of a clear disconnect between a young player and what this team needs. Turning practice into warmups isn’t going to help the team win but if players have this mentality, the problems with the team run deeper than what happens on the field on Sundays.