
Betty Heath: Halloween can be fun at home - Longmont Times-Call

Wake up! This weekend is Halloween. That time of year when the ghosts and goblins overtake cities all across the country. It’s mostly known as the scariest time of the year. I’ve always thought the scariest time of the year is Tax Day, April 15. I suppose it’s all relative.

I’m known to play practical jokes from time to time. I think I usually get away with playing them because no one anticipates anything like that from a white-headed old woman. That should just be a reminder to them that things aren’t always what they seem.

I’ve heard about something called “pranking” that became quite popular a few years ago. It made me wonder if there is a difference or correlation between joking and pranking. After speaking with several people I think I found the answer. Practical jokes require action and can be viewed as having a broader meaning of a silly/funny activity, while a prank is considered to be downright harmless fun. If you’ve been waiting to play a practical joke on someone or just prank someone, this weekend is the time to do it. It’s the one time in the year you can do it without guilt or remorse. You can get away with a lot of stuff on Halloween that you can’t get away with the rest of the year.

And, people are crazy about Halloween food! Many have become very creative in making their own “ghoul” food. Now, I enjoy trying new food and tastes, but I have to admit I’m a bit squeamish at the thoughts of tasting any ghoulish foods. Dragon blood, slime soup, witch’s hair, eyeballs or blood clots just don’t appeal to my appetite. I would rather pass on such Halloween delicacies than pass out trying to swallow them.

Halloween has always been recognized as a fun night for kids to become their favorite hero/heroine and go door to door collecting treats from amused neighbors. The old familiar greeting, “Trick or treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat” has long been the sing-song chant of children when as I open my door to all the trick-or-treaters on Halloween.

But I think the time has come for this custom to stop, especially in light of COVID-19 lurking at our doors. As responsible parents the first priority on Halloween or any other time, should be the safety of your children.

There are many ways parents can make Halloween a fun and safe time for their children. Having a stay-at-home boo-fest for your children featuring your favorite board games, a costume contest with prizes, and bobbing for apples outside on the deck or patio (weather permitting) is one good way to have a safe and fun Halloween. One couple I know features a family fun night every Halloween. This year regardless of the weather, they plan to have a catapult outside to send pumpkins sailing through the air, plus other traditional family games. Gather your family together and do some things out of the ordinary to create your own family fun night. It just might be the beginning of a family tradition.

We all love and enjoy passing our wonderful traditions down from one generation to another.  Making Halloween a safe “fright night” for your children doesn’t mean you are in any way diminishing the tradition of Halloween. You will just ensure that your children remain safe while celebrating this fun-filled tradition.

Let the fun begin for all the ghosts and goblins. Just keep your guard up. You never know when someone might play a practical joke on you … prank you.

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October 25, 2020 at 06:45PM

Betty Heath: Halloween can be fun at home - Longmont Times-Call
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